You never know, when you do a show, particularly a comedy festival show, whether you'll be able to turn your metabolism upside down so that you're totally pumped at seven each night and able to get out of bed again the next day for work.


It's only after it all finishes that you realise you're really ready to run a marathon at about ten to seven each night and you get tired and tetchy at four in the arvo.


Someone saw me hanging around in Trades Hall the other day and asked me if I was IN our comedy festival show. I said no, I wasn't performing, I was just writing and directing.


"Oh", she said, "Oh well that's great! How relaxing!"


I would like you all to know that she remains unscathed. Didn't lay a finger on her. Didn't flick her with a towel or douse her in flames or anything.

Relaxing. Pfft. Pass me that paperbag.