Sometimes when you're rehearsing, you work over something so much that you find yourself analysing how an actor says the word "the". You find yourself thinking about the possible meanings behind things. You think, wow, maybe this bit connects to that other bit and what's really going on here is a deeper reference to a far more important (yet more subtle) point in relation to the symbolism of this metaphor over here.


You know what's particularly interesting about this process in our rehearsals at the moment?


I wrote the play.


I'm finding double meanings in things I wrote myself. I'm seeing interesting links between things that weren't there when I was writing it.


It makes me think that all the kids in my English class were right when we insisted to our teacher that Sylvia Plath "really was writing about mushrooms". Nothing more to it, we reckoned. Not death, not lost love, not complex relationships. Mushrooms.

